

Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) is not a single protein, but a collective term referring to dimeric transcription factors composed of Jun (c-Jun, JunB, JunD), Fos (c-Fos, FosB, Fra-1, Fra-2) ATF (activating transcription factor, ATF-2, ATF-3/LRF1, ATF-4, ATF-5, ATF-6B, ATF-7, BATF, BATF-2, BATF-3, JDP2) or MAF (c-MAF, MafA, MafB, MafF, MafG, MafK and Nrl) subunits that bind to a common DNA site, the AP-1-binding site. AP-1 is involved in a plethora of cellular and physiological functions. It is acknowledged as a master integrator of a myriad of extracellular signals allowing cells to adapt to changes in their environment. AP-1 has also been implicated in various severe diseases. These include transplant rejection, fibrosis, organ injury and a variety of inflammatory pathologies such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and psoriasis. In addition, cancer is undoubtedly the most documented pathology involving AP-1 where its activity is often dysregulated and contributes to cell transformation, tumor progression, aggressiveness and resistance to treatments.

AP-1 相关产品(2)
货号 产品名 Cas 产品描述
PL04875 E3330 136164-66-4 E3330 (APX-3330) 是一种直接,口服有效的,选择性的 Ape-1 (无嘌呤/嘧啶内切酶 1)/Ref-1 (氧化还原因子 -1) 氧化还原的抑制剂。E3330 能抑制胰腺癌组织中 NF-κB、AP-1、HIF-1α 的活性。E3330 具有抗癌活性。
PC11543 SR 11302 160162-42-5 AP-1转录因子抑制剂,SR 11302 是激活蛋白-1 (AP-1) 转录因子抑制剂。SR 11302 是一种类视黄醇,可特异性抑制 AP-1 活性,而不会激活视黄酸反应元件 (RARE) 的转录。