
Modified Nucleotides

Modified Nucleotides 相关产品(188)
货号 产品名 Cas 产品描述
PC13134 2'-Amino-dATP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases target affinity and nuclease stability while reducing immune response.
PC13115 2'-Amino-dCTP Sugar modified nucleoside Triphosphates, used for drug discovery, SELEX.
PC13146 2'-Amino-dGTP 0
PC13133 2'-Azido-dATP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases target affinity and nuclease stability while reducing immune response.
PC13117 2'-Azido-dCTP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases nuclease stability.
PC13145 2'-Azido-dGTP 0
PC13118 2'-Azido-dUTP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases nuclease stability.
PC13208 2'-Deoxyzebularine-TP 0
PC13096 2'-F-dATP 0
PC13097 2'-F-dCTP 0
PC13098 2'-F-dGTP 0
PC13139 2'-F-dTTP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases nuclease stability.
PC13099 2'-F-dUTP 0
PC13128 2'-O-Methyl-2-Amino-ATP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates
PC13131 2'-O-Methyl-5-methyl-UTP Sugar modified nucleoside triphosphates, increases target affinity and nuclease stability while reducing immune response.
PC13104 2'-O-Methyl-ATP 0
PC13105 2'-O-Methyl-CTP 0
PC13106 2'-O-Methyl-GTP 0
PC13110 2'-O-Methyl-ITP 0
PC13175 2'-O-Methyl-N6-Methyl-ATP 0