

APC (Anaphase-Promoting Complex) is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that marks target cell cycle proteins for degradation by the 26S proteasome. The APC/C is a large complex of 11–13 subunit proteins, including a cullin (Apc2) and RING (Apc11) subunit much like SCF. The APC/C's main function is to trigger the transition from metaphase to anaphase by tagging specific proteins for degradation. The two proteins of most importance that get degraded in this process as substrates of the APC/C are securin and S and M cyclins. Securin releases separase, a protease, after being degraded which in turn triggers the cleavage of cohesin, the protein complex that binds sister chromatids together. During metaphase, sister chromatids are linked by intact cohesin complexes. When securin undergoes ubiquitination by the APC/C and releases separase, which degrades cohesin, sister chromatids become free to move to opposite poles for anaphase. The APC/C also targets the mitotic cyclins for degradation, resulting in the inactivation of M-CdK (mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase) complexes, promoting exit from mitosis and cytokinesis.

APC 相关产品(4)
货号 产品名 Cas 产品描述
PL01849 Apcin 300815-04-7 Apcin 是 Cdc20 的配体,是一种有效的,竞争性后期促进复合物/环体 (APC/C(Cdc20)) E3 连接酶活性抑制剂。Apcin 通过与 Cdc20 结合并阻止底物识别来竞争性抑制 APC/C 依赖性泛素化。Apcin 占据 WD40 结构域侧面的 D-box 结合口袋,并可以延长有丝分裂。
PL03177 Apcin-A 1683617-62-0 Apcin-A,是 Apcin 衍生物,是一种后期促进复合物 (APC) 抑制剂。Apcin-A 与 Cdc20 强烈相互作用,抑制 Cdc20 底物的泛素化。Apcin-A 可用于合成 PROTAC CP5V (HY-130257)。
PL02722 proTAME 1362911-19-0 proTAME 是 TAME 的一种细胞渗透性前药形式,是一种后期促进复合物/环体 (APC/C) 抑制剂。proTAME 导致细胞周期停滞在中期。
PL03302 TAME hydrochloride 1784-03-8 TAME hydrochloride 是后期促进复合体 (APC/C 或 APC) 的抑制剂,它与 APC/C 结合并阻止其通过 Cdc20 和 Cdh1 活化,产生有丝分裂阻滞。TAME hydrochloride 不能透过细胞膜。